Sunday, May 10, 2015

Jesus was Sweaty

BEACH DAY! We ventured out to a coastal city about 3 hours away from HCMC called Vung Tau. We began the day by climbing a seemingly infinitely long stair way up a mountain to a Cristo Rendendor-esque statue of Jesus overlooking the coastline. The hike, coupled with a long wait in the crowded staircase to reach the lookout on Jesus’ outstretched arms, made me sweat more than I have in my entire life. That being said, the view was worth every drop.

After descending the mountain, we took to the beach at a nearby resort. The water was warm but still refreshing. As I swam out into the pacific I encountered many plastic bags and other trash that I confused for jellyfish, and then I came across actual jellyfish that were massive but luckily easy to avoid. The day overall was very relaxing despite near everybody getting extremely sunburnt, and it was a nice conclusion to a long week. I can’t believe the trip is already almost halfway over and I look forward to making the most of my final days here in Vietnam.

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